
Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Five

I really didn't realize it was friday today until about an hour ago.  This week has gone by super fast.  I have had quite a lot of orders (yay!) so I have spent my mornings making cups and my evenings working bibleschool at my church.  (I am using that as my excuse as to why I have been a failure at all things internet this week) 

Like Ashley's outfit? Head over to The Possessionista

1. I have a confession... I watch all things Bachelor; The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, and sadly even Bachelor Pad.  This is not something I like to admit but here I am doing it.  This season has been a strange one to say the least, but maybe it was all worth it because they are super cute together.

2.  I LOVE my kindle.  No really, I think it is somewhat unnatural how much I gush about this little guy.  Today I will share just 1 of many reasons... Reason 1:  When finishing a book in a series that I really don't want to be away from, I am literally one click away to being lost in the next book. 

3.  I have been literally lost in this series this week. You know when you are just so into a book that you don't want to stop reading?  You find yourself sneaking in little moments like when you are brushing your teeth or changing clothes or in my case even just walking around the house.  That is how I have been with this one.

4. This picture is a cop out.  Number 4 is my love of this to die for strawberry salad from a little bakery up the road from me.  Yes, I could have taken a picture of it and it would have made more sense but why would I want to do the logical thing?

5.  This is my cat Patches.  I walked out of my room this morning to find this.  The best part? She was actually looking straight at the TV. 

What have been the best things of your week?

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