
Monday, July 25, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

It has been one of those weeks... the kind where you just feel like you are treading water.  I constantly found myself staring out the window, losing things I had in my hand not even 2 seconds before, and all around just feeling dazed.  Everything was taking a bazillion times longer then it should.  When I was making cups I found myself spending 20 minutes just trying to get the letter just Right.  After I had carefully put all the letters on a cup I looked up to realize that it wasn't even the right name.  After a while I started to feel discouraged and a little lost.

Then that little red light would flash on my phone and I'd smile because I got another like on my facebook page, or someone had left a nice comment, or I'd received an order from a new customer.  Then it would all feel worth it again and I would get a little bit of my focus back.  Reading the comments on this giveaway has been another joy of my week, you guys not only took the time to enter but you worked in a compliment as well.  Sometimes it is amazing how a simple thing like a few kind words can change my whole demeanor.

I am super excited to announce the winner of this giveaway!!! I used random generator and here is the result (sorry I can't seem to figure out how to put the whole box in here like all the other blogs).

True Random Number Generator 9 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Winner: Comment #9
Allison S.
She said:
I have already liked your page...The very first time I saw it simply because I know your creations no matter what they are are always priceless and amazing! Allison S.

Congratulations Allison!!!!

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Comments make all this worth it, I read and cherish every single one. Thanks for taking the time to comment!